Encourage yourself in this dry place. REMIND yourself of His love & goodness! Here’s how:
1. Be in the Word all the time. God’s word is still active & meant to be your favorite food.
2. Pray honestly. Tell Him what He already knows. You need Him to need Him!
3. Be around people you want to be like. Who do you hang with? Do you leave encouraged to go deep with Jesus or like you’ve been to a “Fuss Fest”? Sadly, some godly folks seem to thrive on complaining. Find thankful women to be around-it’ll rub off on you!
4. Speak truth to yourself! Replace lies with Scripture (Try Colossians 1-2!) Actively train yourself: the enemy tries to speak first person to you (“I’m not godly enough!”) when your faith makes him nervous! Speak the Name of Jesus.
5. Read old journals -remember when you fell for Jesus? He was your everything. Go back to this place: you don’t need to whip up some legalism to solve your intimacy problem with Christ! Realize you need Him to need Him. Ask for a fresh heart to remember your First Love!