This necklace could be my favorite Mother’s Day gift ever from my husband & kids! I’ve walked the hallowed halls of motherhood for over 20 years now, yet the name “Mama” still touches my heart in deep places. There were years of infertility, multiple miscarriages, & a slow trod through the valley of unanswered lonely prayer. Throughout these years, I truly suspected that “Mama” would never be my name.
The women who are part of the never-desired Sisterhood of Infertility will tell you we all lived in the “Why God?” zone. We all told ourselves, “Don’t hope this month-then the grief won’t be as bad.”
(This is impossible because our very nature as Christians is designed to hope.)
As my husband & I trudged through these years, we learned that God may not take pain away but the Man of Sorrows will offer Himself as companion & comfort. A life of faith will always be lived out in the bizarre tension of accepting pain and praying a way out of it! Many days, I still marvel at God blessing me with the honor of mothering two precious God-given lives.
May we never take Mother’s Day for granted as we lean into the One who loves us most!