Most Important Celebrity Update!

Whether it’s the Oscars or Met Gala, it’s a fun distraction to see the latest glamor of celebs. When does this interest creep from “enjoy” to “worship”? Here are a few ideas:
1. When I begin to idolize celebrities so much that I spend huge amounts of time & money on beauty, that might be a problem.
2. When I begin to spout a celeb’s views on life (rather than come up with my own) that might be a problem.
3. When I begin to believe the lie that “on-trend” is more important than eternal, that might be a problem.
4. When I realize I’m spending way more time scrolling celebrity updates than spending time with Jesus, that might be a problem.

Is it ok to follow, like, share, & be interested in celeb culture? Yes. But, you must be careful. Your self-worth is a fave place the enemy likes to work. He wants to create insecurity in you. Balance yourself with an admiration of on-trend cute and a devotion to the eternal radiance of Christ. God’s definition of beauty is much more than simply visible . He creates beauty of heart & soul. Besides, His makeovers are permanent. ❤️

Love over comfort

“Now all the tax-gatherers and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. And both the Pharisees and the scribes began to grumble, saying “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2
Many of us know the biblical command to love others. We translate this to “nice”. We say “thank you” & smile at people. But, is this what Jesus meant? Just simply good manners ? Many times , I can be nice in the flesh but I can’t truly love without asking God for His power! He calls us to know people. We CAN be a people of initiation, the people who choose love over comfort, the people who realize Jesus died for our sins,too. I love the fact that Jesus rarely hung out with the religious or the “cool”. He seems to give sweet attention to the untidy & the needy. 2,000 years later, He calls us to do the same! ‪#‎Luke15‬:1-2