Gals Who Show Me Jesus

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    We all want friendships that reflect our faith. Some friendships focus on mentoring while others are centered on the simple beauty of Jesus! In His rich kindness, God has allowed me to know groups of amazing women! These gals have challenged me, these gals have inspired me and these gals make me want God more. THESE ARE THE KIND OF WOMEN THAT MAKE US BETTER.

 Thanks to MY DAUGHTER’S CREATIVITY , hIMG_2433ere are some pictIMG_1577ures of gals who have inspired me over the last 20 years!IMG_1315


May we all have this gift in our lives!

Search carefully (and prayerfully!) for friends that walk with God, love His Word, and want to become more like Him. Surround yourself with those who bless you and challenge you. Maybe the greatest indicator of a successful group time is not “what was accomplished” but WHO showed up. And to you sweetie gals pictured here (and many more!) -I just love you! Tristie






Microwaves, Crock Pots, and Faith


It’s the silly things God can use to teach you. Like, um…a microwave oven?  I  use my microwave multiple times a day. It’s fast and requires minimal work. I dig speed!  My faith can be like that silly  microwave…punch it, zap it and heat it up fast! I want God to answer my prayer requests FAST & I want character in 30 seconds! It’s HARD to wait. I want powerful faith in less time that it takes to make my popcorn.

But, biblically, God seems to use a slower pace more often than not. He uses it to mature, to deepen, and to refine.

If I step back from chaos & activity, I realize I want that. I want to hear Him, have time to think deeply on what He’s revealed, and to relish in His love for me.   

Not microwave faith Lord? Ok.  What then? Not that opposite-of-who-I-am machine that I never use?! That old school way of expressing my domestic (read: food) love for my people?!


This thing is not my speciality. Cooking with a Crock Pot takes forethought, planning, and even time.   I don’t even speak this language! Why do people use this thing? Because the food tastes better than microwave food.  It’s rich, moist, and flavorful.  I get it , Lord. You want to do something new in me. You challenge me to simmer, not nuke. You want depth in me. Flavor that comes from the Cook.

Apparently, a Crock Pot makes good food.  Why? It has to cook SLOWLY to be really good.   

 God kindly shows me things in me that need to change, but mostly how much He loves me.  My favorite thing is that He is increasing my level of thankfulness for everything..especially Him. “Promised Land Living” by J. Oswald Sanders is about the book of Joshua.  In it, Sanders uses one of my favorite phrases “the Realized Presence of God.”. To experience the “realized Presence”, I have to stop & receive . I have to be quiet to hear Him and go slower to experience His peace. This is no 30 second experience. 

Lord, free me from speed and the immaturity of instant gratification. Deepen my faith and increase your Aroma of Grace through me.

Now, time for dinner.


Tristie Fisher, 2014



Exfoliate Your Life-NEW & IMPROVED!

MAYBE IT’S TURNING 40, I really don’t know.  In my twenties, I noticed clothing & hair styles.  Now, in my early forties, I notice skin.  How clear is her complexion?  How many wrinkles does she have?  Does she look older than me? Or, worse does she look younger than me?

Years ago, I gave it up in one word… GENETICS.  It’s not Beauty Products!  It’s just plain old genetics… you play the cards you are dealt… what your mama looks like, you will look like.

Now, I still take care of my skin… I appropriately cleanse and moisturize.  But, the one thing I did this year was that word none of us knew before 1998… I EXFOLIATE. 

To EXFOLIATE is “to wash your face in such a manner as to remove old dead skin cells”…so that fresh & renewed skin can show through and say, “World, look , I’m 29! I am young..ignore those neck wrinkles!”


What do I mean by all this?  I’ll tell you that I do notice-my skin seems clearer & cleaner and generally feels better. I wonder… 


  • Wash your face..…Cleanse yourself of any (and all) hidden sin and plain old “you know what you are doing is wrong” stuff. Forgive where you need to forgive, confess when you need to confess.This applies to people and God. ONLY heavenly soap can do the trick. (I John 1:9)

  • Exfoliate.…this is the next step of the process. Some exfoliating products can actually hurt your face the first time you use them. Why? Because there are little granules in the product DESIGNED to do just that…hurt you to heal you. Those rough granules smooth the dead skin away. 

    How can that apply to our lives?  What things is God using in my life to “exfoliate” my life? These things hurt-they sting. Yet,my faith is a whole lot smoother when He’s done. (Isa. 43:19)

  • Moisturize.… My skin needs moisture. My favorite products are those that “keep on moisturizing even while you sleep”.  Isn’t that amazing? My soul needs moisture. No dry, crispy faith for me! But, it needs water…living water. (The Book of John!Water that keeps on flowing and bubbling up over in my soul. I not only need (but must have to survive) that constant reapplication of His Word. For me, every morning and every evening. This product actually delivers!

TONIGHT,as your prepare for bed and “do your routine”, I pray it brings blessing. As the soap cleanses, as deadness is washed away, and refreshment comes ONLY from Him, I pray God makes this ritual worshipful.