The Old Has Gone

2 Corinthians 5:17 is too good to skim-it deserves pulling apart! “BEHOLD” never means a glance-it always means look carefully & thankfully at the glory of God’s handiwork. “IF” can be translated “because” or “since”. The rest of this verse can be built around this word-if you are in Christ through faith, then “NEW” is your name! That power word “NEW” is here twice & the word “OLD” only once. (I like that!👍🏼) What’s our takeaway? Today, take time to see God’s gift -a complete salvation designed to highlight God’s huge ability to create life out of death. Let Him do new things in your heart, your life, & your relationships. He wants to make all things new for you! #2corinthians5 #new#notold #behold #jesus #bible


My friend @ann_huffines gave me this great reminder . Notice the pearl is sitting on a piece of sandpaper. There’s practically no way to miss this message: A pearl is only shiny after it’s been refined, sandblasted, & polished to its designed purpose. Beauty only comes with exfoliation. Are you going thru some sandblasting? Take heart-your trial is not designed to harm you but to help you. Ask God to help you. He wants the world to see you the way He does-complete & beautiful! #pearl #refinery #pain#hope #god #flashthosepearlywhites ❤️ — with Ann Gray Huffines.


Does God really just love perfect people?

All of us naturally think that if we obey God THEN He loves us. We picture Him as a giant in the sky who turns his love switch and off. Why do we do this ? How many of us believe down deep that God only truly loves perfect people? As believers, we want to walk with Him and please Him, of course, but pleasing and loving are 2 different concepts. We please Him in obedience but His love is not dependent on us. His love is constant-despite our daily sins and even in the midst of our chronic sin patterns. God’s LOVE never ever changes. How does our day change if we think on this, immerse ourselves in this, and believe this ? Right now, He loves us & wants to overwhelm us with His unwavering & seemingly unreasonable love! Just say ,”Thank you”.13903384_10154374717494817_6461781836628993831_n