For every woman with the “Oughts”

In a recent talk with a sweet friend, we lamented how we can live under the “oughts” of life rather than biblical truth. Do you ever do this? (“I ought to have these gifts, I ought to love these things, I ought to feel this way, and so on!”)

Years ago, I remember learning how to write down a “Phantom List.” A “Phantom List” is the unconscious list that runs through our minds of who we are supposed to be. There are so many women who have found this powerfully helpful!! Part of the effectiveness of writing down a “ Phantom List” is that you learn how to step outside emotion, stress, spiritual warfare, and identity struggles to simply write down thoughts. The trick is to write things down HOW WE HEAR THEM, NOT JUST IF THEY ARE RIGHT OR WRONG. Wanna try? Since it always helps to do this exercise together, here’s my latest Phantom List.  (Vulnerability, much?!)

Most Recent Phantom list
1. My home should be decorated (& redecorated!) often . (I should also love this!)
2. I should not be so sanguine! 🙂
3. I should cook better meals daily and never run through a drive -thru .( #LAZY)
4. I should be administrative and delight in bookkeeping.
5. I should be the most patient mother ever because I had to live through infertility & miscarriage.
6. I should be free of any vanity and should not care that my wrinkles seem um, bolder. (And we all know, BOLDER rhymes with OLDER! Ha!)

Now, when we step back and look at this , it shows itself for what it is -false! After writing down a few of these thoughts, begin we have to ask ourselves a couple questions: Is this item on my list  biblical truth or social pressure?  Are the areas I need to grow? Is the leading of the Holy Spirit or a fleshly desire for control? Every time I jot down a “phantom list” and compare my thinking with these questions, God gives light and freedom! When I sit with Him and ask Him to reveal what’s deeply in my heart, I’m always surprised yet always, always given peace. He is good like that. Today, we can replace “the phantom list” with the words of Christ…and just breathe. 🙂

John 8:31-32 “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

Romans 8:1- 2″Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. “
Grace, freedom

Did Jesus really mean Matthew 5:43? (Practical ways to love your neighbor!)

I’m practically convinced that the Great Commission could have already been fulfilled IF the church had obeyed the second greatest commandment. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 5:43) What can this look like in our lives?

Loving your neighbor as yourself means you share your faith.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means build others up with your words.
Loving others as yourself means you choose people over wealth.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means you pray for people.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means you forgive others.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means you sacrifice your rights.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means you take the lowest chair.

This list can be endless as we seek to integrate and “incarnate” the person of Christ into the world. We integrate the person of Christ into our everyday life by seeing every person as God sees them. Each person is made in the image of God. Jesus reminds me constantly to view each person important and worthy of Spirit-fillled kindness. We “incarnate” by walking in our identity as ambassadors for Christ and reminding ourselves that we represent Jesus to a broken world. If people won’t read the Bible or go to church, you may very well be the ONLY reflection of Jesus they ever see.
Jesus knew what He called us to was (and is!) impossible. “Nice” is not necessarily Christian. Anyone can be “nice”. But, only God’s people can love supernaturally. God desires each person to love people like He does. He initiates, He blesses, and He forgives over and over. He’s the catch-you can’t just decide to love people. You have to get on your knees (metaphorically and maybe literally) to ask God to put His love into you. Then and only then, can a God-empowered love for the world be activated. You need Him to reflect Him. God never gives commands without the promise of His Spirit. I’m praying this is the generation of Christians who not satisfied with nice. I’m praying this generation will allow God to have full access to our hearts so He can love His world through us.


This year, I want to grow in 4 ways:
1. That in praying for “EVERY Knee “ in the world to find the joy in bending to the love of Christ, I bow my own knees to God first! 2. That God enables me to see “EVERY Day” as He does-full of purpose! 3.That God would give me a fresh heart that actively loves & serves “EVERY Neighbor” & not just my own circle of people! 4. That God would help me die to self-centeredness & my heart would beat for “EVERY Nation”. I’m so grateful to serve @gracebible! Join us in growing in new ways and in asking God to do great things for His name! #everyknee #jesus #bible #god #vision #purpose #gracebiblechurch#gracebiblechurchsouthwood #gracebiblechurchcreekside THANK YOU @ryanntvrner for creating this powerful pictures!! Also, big thanks to Don & Jerri Breland , Andy & Joanna Rettenmaier, Carl & Shelby Jaedicke, David Fox & sweet family, Chris and Jennifer White, Thomas & Emily Seith, & Tim & Tara Suel, Gary Peterson!